Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 141
When I was nineteen or so, my sister announced to my mother and I that she intended to be a (celibate, sell it all and give the money to the poor) missionary. I was filled with admiration for her courage and commitment, and my first thought was “I should do that too, what could be better?” My second thought was “I don’t want to, but I will if I have to.” I went to the Lord in prayer, and really gave God a piece of my mind. The one thing every master owes their servant is a good, clear set of instructions. How can a master expect a servant to be obedient, if the master doesn’t give good instructions? If God wanted me to leave everything and be a missionary, then certainly God should tell me so. It was only fair, after all. Clearly, God owed me a very clear set of instructions for the path I should choose in life. I ranted on like this for a good long while.
Then, when I finally shut up for a minute, God spoke to me. Read more