The Gift of God

Fourth Sunday of Advent
Lectionary: 11

The Lord took David from being a shepherd, and made him a commander of armies. The Lord won the battles. The Lord gave David rest. The Lord came to Nathan. The Lord sent Nathan to David. The Lord reveals that he will establish a house for David. The Lord says he will raise up an heir.

Gabriel did not decide to come. Gabriel was not summoned. Gabriel was sent.

The woman was not full of grace through her own efforts, but preserved by the grace of God from all sin from the moment of her conception until her assumption into heaven.

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El Regalo de Dios

Cuarto Domingo de Adviento
Lectionary: 11

El Señor quitó a David de ser pastor y lo nombró comandante de ejércitos. El Señor ganó las batallas. El Señor le dio descanso a David. El Señor vino a Natán. El Señor envió a Natán a David. El Señor revela que establecerá una casa para David. El Señor dice que levantará un heredero.

Gabriel no decidió venir. Gabriel no fue convocado. Gabriel fue enviado.

La mujer no estaba llena de gracia por sus propios esfuerzos, sino que la gracia de Dios la preservó de todo pecado desde el momento de su concepción hasta su asunción al cielo.

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The beginning of the good news

Second Sunday of Advent

The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

More literally, we might say “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ the Son of God.”

What is the beginning of the good news?

God has sent a messenger to prepare us for God’s coming. The messenger invites us to repent, and to look forward to the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

I don’t know about you, but this is indeed good news for me.

Our God is not waiting to catch us messing up.

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