(un)Blinded by the light
Today the Gospel encourages us to confront our blindness. Will we accept the light? How will we interact with those still in darkness?
Read moreToday the Gospel encourages us to confront our blindness. Will we accept the light? How will we interact with those still in darkness?
Read morehttps://bible.usccb.org/es/bible/lecturas/022821.cfm “Éste es mi Hijo amado; escúchenlo ” El diácono y doctor de la Iglesia, san Efrén, nos cuenta que Jesús llevó a los tres apóstoles al monte por tres…
Read morehttps://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/022821.cfm This is my Son, the beloved; listen to him. The Deacon and Doctor of the Church, Saint Ephrem, tells us Jesus took the three apostles up to the mountain…
Read moreA note for English speakers. This week’s readings are an example of a case where our lectionary translation lets us down.
Read moreQuinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario (B) Leccionario: 74 Esta semana que viene es la Semana Nacional del Matrimonio. “Entre las muchas bendiciones que Dios ha derramado sobre nosotros en Cristo…
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