We do not think as God does

Humans think a good life is an easy life. Jesus says take up your cross.

Humans think victory means not losing. Jesus shows that it is rising again.

Humans think shame comes from what happens to us, and how others treat us. Jesus shows that we are not disgraced even when we are rejected, beaten and spit upon.

Humans think we should never experience sorrow or distress. Jesus goes with us into it, and through it.

Humans think we should look out for ourselves and get what we can. Jesus says we should lose it all.

Humans think death is the end. Jesus shows us what it means that God has freed our soul from death.

Humans think it is enough to believe, or go through the motions. The apostle reminds us that faith without works is dead.

Humans think we can boast of our accomplishments. Saint Paul reminds us everything is a gift, and we can only boast about what Christ has done.

We do not think as God does, but as humans do.

Take up your cross.

Rise again when you fall.

Trust that God is with you, and will be with you.

Do whatever good you can.

Think and say less about yourself – Praise God more.

This is how we show our faith.

This is how our life honors the cross of Christ.

What do you think?