We don’t see right

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 98

The book of Wisdom says “God did not make death.” How is that possible? Didn’t God create everything?

Yes, God created everything that exists. In fact, it is by the will of God that everything that exists continues to exist.

But God did not make death.

So, if God created everything, but God did not make death, what does that mean?

Death does not exist. Death is not a “thing.” Death is a lack of life, but it is not a “thing.” We see it, and we fear it, but death does not exist. We do not see things the way that God sees things, do we?

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Despierta al Cristo dormido dentro

XII Domingo Ordinario
Lectionary: 95

Con la ayuda del Señor y de San Agustín, quiero hablarte de la lectura de hoy del santo evangelio y exhortarte en el nombre de Dios a que no dejes que tu fe duerma en tu corazón cuando son azotados por los vientos y las olas de este mundo. No soy yo quien te habla. Simplemente escucho con ustedes las palabras de un gran santo que partió de este mundo hace casi mil seiscientos años.

El poder del Señor Cristo no está muerto ni dormido. ¿Creemos que el Todopoderoso fue vencido por el sueño en la barca en contra de su voluntad? Si lo hacemos, entonces Cristo duerme en nuestros corazones. Si realmente estuviera vigilando dentro de nosotros, entonces nuestra fe estaría vigilante. El Apóstol, recuerde, habla de Cristo morando en nuestros corazones a través de la fe.

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Awaken the Christ sleeping within

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. Lectionary 95

With help from the Lord, and from Saint Augustine, I want to speak to you about today’s reading from the holy gospel, and to urge you in the name of God not to let your faith lie dormant in your hearts when you are buffeted by the winds and waves of this world. It is not I who speak to you. I merely listen with you to the words of a great saint who departed from this world almost sixteen hundred years ago.

The Lord Christ’s power is by no means dead, nor is it asleep.

Do we think the Almighty was overcome by sleep in the boat against his will? If we do, then Christ is asleep in our hearts. If he were indeed keeping watch within us, then our faith would be vigilant. The Apostle, remember, speaks of Christ dwelling in our hearts through faith.

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la Trinidad – poder

Creo que cualquiera que lucha con los conceptos de “qué es Dios” y “quién es Dios” se aleja cojeando de la experiencia. Dios es uno y, sin embargo, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Muchas personas más inteligentes y santas que yo no han podido explicar a Dios y se han confundido. Sus intentos de simplificar o resumir las cosas hasta lo esencial se desvían inevitablemente al error. Claramente, no puedo esperar decir nada que aclare sin correr el riesgo de engañar a alguien por lo que digo o por cómo lo digo. Claramente no puedo explorar el misterio de la trinidad.

Y, sin embargo, tenemos la intención de explorar este misterio. ¿Cómo podemos amar a alguien que no conocemos? ¿Cómo podemos amar a alguien y no buscar conocerlo mejor? ¿Cómo puedo sostener, proclamar y fomentar un amor profundo por Dios si Dios es un extraño para mí? Claramente no puedo dejar de aprovechar cada oportunidad para llegar a conocer, amar y compartir a Dios.

Entonces, como el siciliano en “La princesa prometida”, claramente incapaz de continuar, debo intentar distraerte y luego hacer trampa.

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The Trinity – Power

I think that anyone who wrestles with the concepts of “what is God” and “who is God” limps away from the experience. God is one, and yet Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. People smarter and holier than I have failed to explain God, and have themselves been confused. Their attempts to simplify or to distill things down to the essentials inevitably wander into error. I can clearly not hope to say anything clarifying without being at risk of misleading someone by what I say, or by how I say it. I can clearly not explore the mystery of the trinity.

And yet, we are intended to explore this mystery. How can we love someone we do not know? How can we love someone and not seek to know them better? How can I hold, proclaim, and encourage a deep love for God if God is a stranger to me? I can clearly not neglect seizing every opportunity to come to know and love and share God.

So, like the Sicilian in “The Princess Bride” – left clearly unable to proceed, I must attempt to distract you, then cheat.

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