Totally Wrong About Sacrifice

I continue to desire to both learn how to grow in love, and then to actually do so. My spiritual director suggested I consider making an effort to offer up three small sacrifices each day with the intention of being recollected, and of asking for help to grow in this virtue. He suggested that even very small sacrifices such as skipping salt with my meal or leaving the radio off in the car might be helpful.

I struggled mightily.

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Giving Everything – 32nd Sunday, Year B

What does it mean to give everything, and why would we do that?

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B
1 KGS 17:10-16PS 146:7, 8-9, 9-10HEB 9:24-28MK 12:38-44

The reading from Kings shows us a foreign widow who gives a prophet everything she set aside for herself and her son to eat. The letter to the Hebrews reminds us of our high priest, Jesus, who offers himself as a sacrifice. The gospel relates how a poor widow put her whole livelihood into the offering.

In each of these stories, someone offers everything.

What is our everything? Do the widows’ examples propose that we give everything to the church? That seems… extreme.

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Priest, Prophet, and King – 146B 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B

Lectionary 146B 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B

When I was young, I thought the world revolved around me. I didn’t THINK I thought so, but I did. I would read the prophets, looking for some clues about my own future, or God’s will for me, or some mystery of the incarnation. Or, worse, I’d practice the “open and point” method of divination by Scripture.

The inappropriateness of that approach to scripture was especially obvious when I’d come across a verse like today’s reading from Isaiah.

The LORD was pleased to crush him in infirmity.

um… God is pleased to cause suffering?

…If he gives his life as an offering for sin, he shall see his descendants in a long life…

He gives his life… and sees his descendants… what sort of logic is this?

Hrm. Maybe God meant for me to find some other verse? I mean, really, how on earth am I supposed to apply that to my life? Read more

Responding to Sin. 10th Ordinary B
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Lectionary: 89 Genesis 3:9-15, Mark 3:20-35

I hate to be wrong.

The only thing worse than being wrong, is someone else finding out before I do, so I don’t have time to come up with a good justification or excuse.

Seems like Adam was pretty much the same.

God asks a simple question

Where are you?

Adam seems to immediately realize he messed up. He jumps right into an explanation of what he did, and why he did it.

Sorta like when I would ask my kids “what are you doing?” “Nothing,” or “I didn’t do it,” or “I was just…” were instant clues that “something” was definitely up. Read more

Long slow steady martyrdom…

Many the brave witnesses to faith
Who shed their holy blood
To water the seed of faith in fertile sacrifice
Before the eyes of heaven and earth.

Not all are called to such brave display
Yet still will wear the crown of victory
Such are the ones who faced the long slow steady martyrdom
Of daily dying so they might live.

Each day of life they chose the steep and narrow path
Offering their sacrifices seen by none but God alone
Who watered deep faith with hidden tears
Quiet witnesses who in loving joy served others as unto Christ.

Whether in quiet hidden witness or in bold and brave display
We each can give glory unto God
In brave endurance and embrace of the holy cross
Offered to us by God.

Linda Frasier (e’s mom)