El Reinado de Cristo

24 De Noviembre 2019
Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo
Leccionario: 162 Ciclo C

La fiesta de hoy, la solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo, es muy importante para mi familia. Crecí fuera de la iglesia, pero Dios usó la sabiduría de los Padres de la Iglesia para capturar mi mente, y la comunidad católica para capturar mi corazón. El veintiséis de noviembre de dos mil y seis, mi familia y yo fuimos a nuestra primera misa. Fue la fiesta de Cristo Rey.

No tenía idea de lo que estaba sucediendo durante la misa. No sabía qué decir, ni cuándo decirlo, o si debía decir algo. Pero, cuando el sacerdote elevó el Santísimo Sacramento, recuerdo haber pensado: “Si realmente cree que Cristo está presente, por supuesto que se arrodillaría”. Entonces, recuerdo haber pensado, “y … creo que él está presente”. Desde mi asiento hasta mis rodillas. Era la primera vez que me arrodillaba ante mi rey.

Los reyes de este mundo generalmente gobiernan por miedo, por fuerza y ​​por promesas falsas.

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The Kingship of Christ

November 24 2019
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Lectionary: 162 Cycle C

Today’s feast, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, is very important to my family. I grew up outside the church, but God used the wisdom of the Church Fathers to capture my mind, and the Catholic community to capture my heart. On November 26, 2006, my family and I went to our first mass. It was the Feast of Christ the King.

I had no idea what was happening during the mass. I didn’t know what to say, or when to say it, or if I should say anything. But, when the priest elevated the Blessed Sacrament, I remember thinking, “If you really believe that Christ is present, of course you would kneel.” Then, I remember thinking, “and… I do believe he is present.” I slid from my seat to my knees. It was the first time I ever knelt before my king.

The kings of this world usually rule by fear, and by force, and by false promises.

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El fin se acerca

XXXIII Domingo ordinario
Leccionario: 159

El fin se acerca.

Hoy celebramos el último domingo del tiempo ordinario de este año. La próxima semana, celebraremos la fiesta de Cristo Rey, y la semana final del año litúrgico. La semana siguiente marcará el primer domingo de Adviento. A medida que nos acercamos al final del año litúrgico, las Escrituras nos invitan a considerar “el fin.” La semana pasada, tuvimos el desafío de considerar el ejemplo de aquellos dispuestos a morir por su fe. Fuimos invitados a renovar nuestra propia esperanza en la resurrección.

Esta semana, las Escrituras nos invitan a considerar cómo esperamos hasta el final. No solo de nuestras propias vidas, sino de todo. Las Escrituras nos ofrecen respuestas a tres preguntas importantes.

Primero, ¿cómo debemos sentirnos acerca del regreso del Señor?

Segundo, ¿qué hacemos ahora?

Finalmente, ¿qué hacemos cuando el fin se acerca?

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The End is Near

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 159

The end is near.

Today marks the last Sunday of Ordinary Time for this year. Next week, we will celebrate the feast of Christ the King, and the end of the liturgical year. The following week will mark the first Sunday of Advent. As we approach the end of the liturgical year, the scriptures invite us to consider “the end”. Last week, we were challenged to consider the example of those willing to die for their faith. We were invited to renew our own hope in the resurrection.

This week, the scriptures invite us to consider how we look forward to the very end. Not just of our own lives, but of everything. The scriptures offer us answers to three important questions.

First, how should we feel about the Lord’s return?

Second, what do we do now?

Finally, what do we do when the end is near?

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Who is Nicodemus – Crosspost from Patreon

I am currently writing a novel about one of the nine lepers who were healed and failed to return to give thanks. The leper in my story, Eleazar, is associated with Nicodemus. This post is one I already shared with my patrons via Patreon, but I also wanted to share it here. If you’re interested in learning more about that effort, check out https://patreon.com/euphemos.

It took me a few weeks to realize Nicodemus is a major character. I entered with my focus upon Eleazar, and expected Nicodemus would be relatively minor. As I began to lay out my timeline, however, I discovered I have a good deal to learn from exploring the character of Nicodemus.

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