Gaudete Sunday – Mission: Joyful

Third Sunday of Advent
Lectionary: 7

The first Sunday of Advent woke us up, reminding us that we do not know when our Lord will return in judgment.

The second Sunday of Advent called us to prepare for the day of the Lord by giving us a glimpse of his glorious kingship, and called us to repentance.

This third Sunday is Gaudete Sunday. It is “rejoice” Sunday, because our waiting is nearly at an end. It is joyful because we have heard the call to repentance, and prepared our hearts. It is joyful because we give thanks for the many gifts God has given us to enjoy, and even for the difficulties God has helped us through.

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¿No estoy yo aquí que soy tu madre?

A veces, en la emoción que precede al nacimiento de un hijo, la madre es olvidada. No es diferente con nuestro Señor y su madre. Es hermoso que hagamos una pausa esta semana, en medio del Adviento, para considerar a su madre y a nuestra madre.

Si nos dirigimos a nuestra madre hoy, ¿qué crees que nos diría? Creo que ella nos diría lo mismo que le dijo a Juan Diego.

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Am I not here, I who am your mother?

December 12 – Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Sometimes, in the excitement preceding the birth of a child, the mother is forgotten. It is no different with our Lord, and his mother. It is beautiful that we pause this week, in the middle of Advent, to consider his mother, and our mother.

If we turn to our mother today, what do you think she would say to us? I think she would say to us the same things she said to Juan Diego.

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Arrepiéntete, por el amor de Dios

II Domingo de Adviento
Leccionario: 4

En Isaías, el profeta nos ofrece una bella imagen del día en que Cristo reinará en la tierra. Juzgará con justicia, especialmente por los pobres. Destruirá a los despiadados y matará a los impíos. Todos los enemigos estarán en paz. Será glorioso.

En el Evangelio, Juan el Bautista nos dice cómo debemos prepararnos para la venida de este reino.


El mundo nos dice que estoy bien y que ustedes están bien. El mundo nos dice que “todos lo hacen”. El mundo nos dice que no existe el pecado. 

El Evangelio nos dice que nos arrepintamos.

Consideremos quién, qué, cuándo, dónde y por qué del evangelio de hoy.

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Repent, For the Love of God

Dec 8, 2019 – Second Sunday of Advent
Lectionary: 4

In Isaiah, the prophet offers us a beautiful picture of the day that Christ will reign on the earth. He will judge justly, especially for the poor. He will destroy the ruthless, and slay the wicked. All enemies will be at peace. It will be glorious.

In the Gospel, John tells us how we should prepare for the coming of this kingdom.


The world tells us that I’m OK and you’re OK. The world tells us that “everyone does it.” The world tells us there is no such thing as sin. 

The Gospel tells us to repent.

Let’s consider the who, what, when, where, and why of today’s gospel.

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