He Thirsts

Third Sunday of Lent
Lectionary: 28

Jesus was tired, and he was thirsty. Sometimes, we forget that Jesus became tired, hungry, and thirsty just like us. He experienced all the healthy and holy needs and desires we experience. Sometimes we think of his miracles and his incredible perseverance during the passion, and forget about his humanity. 

When I get tired, hungry and thirsty, I am like the Children of Israel in the first reading: I get grumpy, and I grumble.

When Jesus was tired and thirsty, he reached out to a stranger with kindness. And not just any stranger, but a Samaritan woman. The Jews hated the Samaritans. They saw the Samaritans as traitors, and half-breeds. Often they would walk an extra day or more just to avoid walking through Samaritan territory. It was entirely improper for a Jewish Rabbi to speak to a Samaritan, and even worse that she was a woman of dubious character.

Jesus looked at the woman and saw something different.

He saw a person.

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Turn the Other Cheek?

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 79

When I was in kindergarten, I met my first bully. I don’t remember his name, but I remember getting punched when we were out on the playground. My teacher told my mom I needed to fight back. My mom told me to turn the other cheek. I spent the rest of the year avoiding the bully.

When I was in about the fourth grade, I met my second bully. John Paul picked on me, and picked on my sister, and picked on the other kids in the neighborhood. He lived waaaaay down the road, but made the two mile trip on his bike just to hassle us. Mostly, we tried to ignore him. One day, he stole the jump-rope my sister got for her birthday, and stood there making fun of her while she cried.

I beat the snot out of him. 

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