Hoy celebramos la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos. A menudo centramos nuestra atención en los horribles martirios y milagros inspiradores de los santos. Eso es justo, ya que nuestro proceso para canonizar a los santos requiere milagros, pero ¿qué nos enseña la liturgia de hoy?
Read moreAll Saints
Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. We often focus our attention on the Saints’ awful martyrdoms and inspiring miracles. That’s fair, since our process for canonizing Saints requires verifiable miracles, but what does today’s liturgy teach us? Who and what are saints?
Read moreFaithful Citizenship
I received a reprimand because this homily addresses sensitive subjects, so I am not publicizing this via social media. I am persisting it here “for the record,” since I did preach it that Saturday night. I often meditate and preach about the importance of not pretending to be perfect, and being willing to fall and get up again, and I am posting this here in that spirit.
Consider this fair warning that the homily was deemed sufficiently inappropriate that Father preached Sunday morning. I had another commitment after mass that night, and couldn’t prepare another homily. Ok, that’s true, but I confess that mostly my pride got in the way. I could have left the event early, gotten up early Sunday, or simply spoken off the cuff, and that’s what I’ll do the next time my pastor objects to a homily.
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La fiesta está preparada
XXVIII Domingo ordinario Lectionary: 14
La eterna fiesta del cordero está lista para nosotros. ¿Somos dignos?
No. No somos dignos. No hemos hecho nada para merecer una invitación a este banquete. No hemos hecho nada para merecer recibir el cuerpo de Cristo en la Eucaristía. No hemos hecho nada para ser invitados al banquete eterno en el cielo. No solo eso, sino que no hay nada que podamos hacer para ser dignos.
Pero si. Somos dignos. Somos dignos porque el rey nos ha invitado. El rey decide quién es digno y el rey nos ha invitado. El rey no solo nos ha invitado, sino que también nos ha proporcionado ropa para vestir. La cena está lista. La ropa está lista. Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es ponernos la ropa y unirnos a la fiesta.
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The feast is prepared.
The eternal feast of the lamb is ready for us. Are we worthy?
No. We are not worthy. We’ve done nothing to deserve an invitation to this banquet. We have done nothing to deserve to receive the body of Christ in the Eucharist. We’ve done nothing to be invited to the eternal banquet in heaven. Not only that, but there is nothing we could ever do to be worthy.
But… yes. We are worthy. We are worthy because the king has invited us. The king decides who is worthy, and the king has invited us. Not only has the king invited us, but the king has provided us with clothes to wear. The dinner is ready. The clothes are ready. All we have to do is put on the clothes and join the feast.
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