Help my unbelief

Theologians argue about whether God causes suffering, or God allows suffering as a consequence of living in a world where Adam chose to reject God and sin. I almost spent this morning talking about suffering, and God’s role in allowing or ultimately causing suffering in the context of that first reading from the book of Job, but that is not the most important question.

The disciples were on a boat crossing the lake at night, and a storm came up… because that’s what happens on the lake, and in life. Storms come up, and we feel like we might not make it. It doesn’t really matter if God sent the storm to help us grow, or if we made a bad decision to go out on the lake when the wind was blowing in weather, or if it’s … just a storm.

The disciples woke Jesus and said to him,

“Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”

He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Quiet!  Be still!”

Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?”

Did you notice that the question isn’t can Jesus save them. The question is will Jesus save them. The question is not “does he have the power”, the question is “does he care”… the question is “does he love us?”

That’s the question that matters, isn’t it?

The faith Jesus was asking about was the faith that Jesus loved them.

They clearly believed that Jesus had the power to save them, or they wouldn’t have woken him and asked for help.

But they did not believe whole-heartedly that Jesus cared. They did not believe completely that Jesus loved them.

This whole thing started because Jesus told the disciples “let us cross to the other side.” Did they really think that he was going to let them drown in the middle of the lake when they were following his explicit instructions? Really?

Do we?

Do we really think that Jesus is going to let us drown in the storms of life?

God has all power. God is in control. God loves us.

So, then, what does it mean when it seems like Jesus is asleep on a cushion? The disciples panicked. They were sure they were perishing. And, you know, there’s nothing that a panicking person hates more than someone being calm. PANIC WITH ME! We demand. DON’T YOU CARE? We ask. If we’re looking for a drama buddy, if we are looking for someone to panic with us, then Jesus is not the dude. Jesus is not asleep at the wheel, he is resting confident because he’s got it all under control.

So, Jesus is not going to be our drama buddy, but if we are looking for someone to be with us in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, and to love us and respect us all the days of our life… That’s Jesus.

Yes, those are the marriage vows. The Church (that’s us) are the bride of Christ.  That’s how he loves us. Oh, how he loves us.

And, when we struggle to have faith in his love, Jesus loves us so much that when we come to him and say “Lord, I believe in your power and your love, but help my unbelief.” He is not offended, but gives us the help we need. Because everything good is made complete with the help of God, including our faith.

Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.

What do you think?