Dr Taylor Marshall’s first podcast – A brief review

Dr. Taylor Marshall posted his first podcast today, and what a great start!

In this first podcast, Dr. Marshall offers some tips for personal productivity and some advice on finding a spiritual director.

Dr. Marshall’s tips on prioritization and personal productivity were great. In the software development world, we do something similar. At the start of each day, we meet as a team and discuss what we accomplished yesterday, what we are going to accomplish today, and what’s blocking our progress. The same thing can work on an individual basis by including in each new day an evaluation of the previous day’s accomplishments, what blocked progress yesterday, and how to overcome those obstacles today.

Some notes on Dr. Marshall’s format:

  • Although it was mildly frustrating at first, it was right to put the featured segment after the two intro items to “encourage” the listener to hear more than just the feature.
  • The bass is bumped up a bit too much in the audio, or perhaps too much noise correction, resulting in some distortion.
  • The intro music was just a bit too long.
  • Latin word of the day was a nice closer.
  • Of course some times Dr. Marshall will will want to direct us to other resources, but it was refreshing that he did not use this podcast merely a tool to plug other (excellent) materials, but instead focused upon the topic at hand.

So, welcome to the podcast universe, Dr. Marshall!

Y’all go check it out at http://taylormarshall.com/2013/08/001-how-to-find-a-spiritual-director-podcast.html

What do you think?