People Look… Somewhere
A great deal of heated discussion among liturgists today focuses upon whether the Mass should be celebrated Ad Orientem (towards the east), or Ad Populum/Versus Populum (towards the people). Early…
Read moreA great deal of heated discussion among liturgists today focuses upon whether the Mass should be celebrated Ad Orientem (towards the east), or Ad Populum/Versus Populum (towards the people). Early…
Read moreI found a site I’d not encountered previously that has a nice collection of teachings of the Early Church Fathers categorized by doctrine, practice, or belief. Unlike many similar…
Read moreGrowing up in the South, and with a very conservative/literalist background, I was always troubled by Jesus’s fourth pronouncement from the cross:
My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46)
How could it be that Jesus would be forsaken, as so many well-respected brothers in Christ have proposed? He was the sacrifice, and a sacrifice only has value if it is accepted by God. How could God the Father turns his back on his only begotten son while he bore the burden of all the sin of the world, and yet so love the world (full of sinners) that he sent that son? What does this say about Jesus, and the unity of the Trinity? So many uncomfortable questions… For the most part, I relegated this to the category of “stuff I don’t understand”, and put it on a back burner to evaluate at another time. Thankfully, the Lord presented the opportunity to consider the problem by offering the solution.
Read more…While discussing the rosary, and how it is the story of Jesus from Mary’s perspective, with joy and sorrow interwoven, and how the point of the rosary is to meditate…
Read moreAssuming you’re using the “Green Catechism” (Catechism of the Catholic Church Second Edition), and that, like me, you didn’t bother to look in the Table of Contents yet… Page 861…
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