Downton Abbey and Your opportunity to school me

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Downton Abbey presents, for our entertainment, typical soap-opera delights such as theft, lying, blackmail, class warfare, and unchastity. The unchastity comes in your typical soap-opera flavors: hetrosexual or homosexual? between peers, or exploiting age and authority differences? consensual or coerced? While some elements may have given scandal fifty years ago, they’re common fare in modern times.

That is exactly the problem.

We’re not scandalized.

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God provides many good things to us which we may legitimately use for our own pleasure. The sacrifice of the Mass is not one of those things.

If you are looking for good preaching and good music and a beautiful liturgy, go somewhere else. If you are looking for Jesus Christ, you’re at the right place.
– Deacon Leroy Behnke

The humility of Jesus: in Bethlehem, in Nazareth, on Calvary. But more humiliation and more self-abasement still in the Sacred Host: more than in the stable, more than in Nazareth, more than on the Cross. That is why I must love the Mass so much (‘Our’ Mass, Jesus…)
The Way, 533

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