Turn the Other Cheek?
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary TimeLectionary: 79 When I was in kindergarten, I met my first bully. I don’t remember his name, but I remember getting punched when we were out…
Read moreSeventh Sunday in Ordinary TimeLectionary: 79 When I was in kindergarten, I met my first bully. I don’t remember his name, but I remember getting punched when we were out…
Read moreVI Domingo OrdinarioLeccionario: 76 El largo evangelio de hoy es … realmente largo. La versión corta que acabo de proclamar es … corta, pero tal vez no muy clara. Entonces,…
Read moreSixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)Lectionary: 76 Today’s long gospel is… really long. The short version I just proclaimed is… short, but maybe not super clear. So, Let me explain……
Read moreQuinto domingo del tiempo ordinario (A)Leccionario: 73 Is 58: 7-10; 1 Cor 2: 1-5; Mt 5: 13-16 Jesús dijo que somos la sal de la tierra. También dijo que si…
Read moreFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)Lectionary: 73 Is 58:7-10; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16 Jesus says that we are the salt of the world. He also said that if we…
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