The feast is prepared
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time The feast is prepared. The eternal feast of the lamb is ready for us. Are we worthy? No. We are not worthy. We’ve done nothing…
Read more28th Sunday in Ordinary Time The feast is prepared. The eternal feast of the lamb is ready for us. Are we worthy? No. We are not worthy. We’ve done nothing…
Read moreXXVII Domingo ordinario Lectionary: 139 En Isaías, la viña es la nación de Israel. Dios proporcionó todo lo necesario para un buen fruto, pero solo cosechó uvas duras y agrias,…
Read more27th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) In Isaiah, the vineyard is the nation of Israel. God provided everything necessary for good fruit, but harvested only hard and sour grapes,…
Read moreHoy tenemos la parábola de dos hijos, así que quiero decirles algo a los que son padres. Cuando los niños son muy pequeños, las cosas son sencillas. Difícil, pero sencilla.…
Read moreToday, the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we have the parable of two sons, so I want to say something to those who are parents. When children are very small,…
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