Why does the Creed of Nicea say “the third day he rose again?”
In class this morning, Monsignor James asked why does the Creed of Nicea say “the third day he rose again?” The creed as expressed by the First Council of Nicea…
Read moreIn class this morning, Monsignor James asked why does the Creed of Nicea say “the third day he rose again?” The creed as expressed by the First Council of Nicea…
Read moreSince we had some difficulty getting the audio configured last evening, Robert recorded the first session. The PowerPoint with the first session’s audio is linked below. http://www.archive.org/download/HistoryOfTheCatholicChurchPowerpoint/ChurchHistoryLubbockSp09.pptx
Read moreOne of my daily trips on theĀ internet is to fellow Catholic convert Tim Troutman’s Army of Martyrs blog. Today, he announced the formation of the Philippine Aid Society (http://www.philippineaid.org/).…
Read moreRev. James F. Keenan, S.J., appeared before the joint committee on the judiciary for the state of Massachusetts to offer the Catholic perspective on a bill they were debating. The…
Read moreAdvent Advent (ad-venio in Latin or “to come to”) begins the Church year and consists of the four Sundays before Christmas. The Advent season is a time of preparation for…
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