What do you expect?
25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A There are all sorts of ways to understand this parable of the generous landowner, but, really it doesn’t make a whole lot of…
Read more25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A There are all sorts of ways to understand this parable of the generous landowner, but, really it doesn’t make a whole lot of…
Read moreXXV Domingo Ordinario Lectionary: 133 Hay todo tipo de formas de entender esta parábola, pero realmente no tiene mucho sentido para nosotros. Cualquiera que haya contratado gente sabe que no…
Read moreLas lecturas de hoy son muy simples, incluso contundentes. Hay dos, y solo dos, opciones. Arrepiéntanse y perdonen y sean perdonados. No perdones y sufre la ira de Dios.
Read moreToday’s readings (24th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A) are very simple, even blunt. There are two, and only two, options. Repent and forgive — and be forgiven. Do not…
Read moreJesus gives us a recipe for dealing with the case that someone sins against us. If someone sins against us, we should speak to them about it privately. If they…
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