We don’t see right
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeLectionary: 98 The book of Wisdom says “God did not make death.” How is that possible? Didn’t God create everything? Yes, God created everything that exists.…
Read moreThirteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeLectionary: 98 The book of Wisdom says “God did not make death.” How is that possible? Didn’t God create everything? Yes, God created everything that exists.…
Read moreXII Domingo OrdinarioLectionary: 95https://bible.usccb.org/es/bible/lecturas/062021.cfm Con la ayuda del Señor y de San Agustín, quiero hablarte de la lectura de hoy del santo evangelio y exhortarte en el nombre de Dios…
Read more12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. Lectionary 95https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/062021.cfm With help from the Lord, and from Saint Augustine, I want to speak to you about today’s reading from the holy…
Read moreCreo que cualquiera que lucha con los conceptos de “qué es Dios” y “quién es Dios” se aleja cojeando de la experiencia. Dios es uno y, sin embargo, Padre, Hijo…
Read moreI think that anyone who wrestles with the concepts of “what is God” and “who is God” limps away from the experience. God is one, and yet Father, Son, and…
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